Monthly Archives: March 2013

Monitoring Tests

Well here I am again updating my blog .. If I say not much has happened since Christmas I would be lying ! It has been a strange eventful year, full of surprises – don’t want to bore everyone with the details but its has been a mission to stay positive. …….

The main thing is my eye sight is stable, I even noticed improvements! Few months ago it was a challenge even applying eye make up!

In the next few weeks I’ll find out if the Proton Beams has worked. Can’t believe its been 5 Months already! Scary! Had bloods tests and an examination last Monday. I appear to be fit! Seeing my oncologist at Cromwell Hospital tomorrow for my blood results and a CT scan to check my liver function. Then on 5 April I have my actual eye scan at Moorfields to check if the tumour is killed!

I’ll update everyone soon with my good news !